Thursday, January 27, 2011

Home Laser Hair Removal

For more than fifteen years, clinics and physicians have been offering laser hair removal at home as an outpatient process. Patients who are, to a query, and make repeat visits. However, with the advent of laser hair removal at home, this is no longer necessary. Before purchasing a device, there are some things you may want to be sure, as the device's security, cost, and how that work process. Below is a summary of basic information is needed before considering this system.

Laser hair removal in the country is perfectly safe

There is very little risk and without any long-term health by using a home laser hair removal system. They can be used whenever there unsightly hair. However, it is safe to use anywhere in the body, except for the neck and face.

This device has been approved as safe by the Food and Drug Administration a few years ago. Provided you follow the instructions and use the device as specified, this option is perfectly safe and does not need a professional to be present. This technology has been subject to intensive testing and experimentation over a decade.

Laser hair removal for home saves money

While these home systems are certainly not cheap, by definition, no, they are much more affordable than going to a professional and get treatment. Whereas the elimination of outpatient hair can cost 1000-3000 for each area of the body, a single payment of $ 500 to $ 1000 is all you need to buy a home unit.

The science behind laser hair removal Home

This device eliminates the unsightly hair through a process called selective photothermolysis. " The dark pigments in the molecules of your hair absorbs the laser light, which causes the hair to heat intensely. This heat causes the hair to fall out and prevents re-growth.

You will have to do several treatments to effectively remove hair. This is because, at any time at random, only half of your hair is actively growing, while the other half remains latent. The device only has a right in the hairs that are currently growing. Each time you use this device, it will be a new segment of your hair. To effectively void of all hair growth in a specific region, you must treat the area for a period of months to make sure you have all the zapping hair cell growth.

Who can use these devices?

Unfortunately, this system has not yet advanced enough to be used by everyone. Requirements for the use of this device include medium to dark hair and medium to light skin tone. You can use this product if you have pigmented black hair, dark brown or otherwise, and should not use this product if your skin with high pigment content. Consult your doctor if you have any questions about your eligibility. These lasers have no effect on the light brown hair, blond, gray or red, and can not be safely used by people with darker skin color.

The technology is not advanced enough to treat people with these types of skin and hair. Because the laser only has an effect on dark hair, you can only treat hair with dark pigments. the lighter colored hair, just does not absorb this type of laser energy. In the same line of thought, people with dark skin can burn when the pigments in your skin react and absorb the laser.

This is no different to have done professionally, with the exception that there are some solutions for people with dark skin.

How it started working laser hair removal?

If you take full advantage, will reduce the number of new hairs that grow up to 80%. These results can last a whole year, and can be extended with little maintenance treatment.

Where I can buy this laser hair removal?

These products are often sold in cosmetic medical offices, as plastic surgeons. Can also be purchased directly online.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Laser Hair Removal - Better Than Traditional Methods?

Every woman knows that having smooth, hairless skin is not only attractive, but more hygienic. Not only that, but also, more men are opting for hair removal treatments and more treatment options are increasingly available.

It can be a real challenge to keep looking prepared, especially in the most difficult areas, such as around the bikini line or underarms and the continuing need for crop areas can be slow and complicated.

There are many options for hair removal, probably the most common is the traditional shave with a razor, followed closely by the waxing, but now a new treatment is becoming more popular and affordable and could eradicate hair does not required permanently.

Making the right choice for you depends on which treatment works best, so knowing the facts is the best way to start the process.

At present there is a great way to get hair permanently removed almost at an affordable price, hair removal laser called. Works with a procedure that uses a laser on the skin that produces pulsed beams are highly concentrated and absorbed by the pigment located in hair follicles. This laser permanently damaged follicles that surround most of the hair stop growing back.

The procedure is usually painless, however, can sometimes be uncomfortable, but the good news is that it does not take long, depending on the area needing treatment. If, after the treatment you see redness or swelling that is perfectly normal and will disappear in no time leaving you with smooth, hairless skin.

Therefore, it is safe compared to other methods available? It's probably one of the most common questions associated with laser hair removal.

The good news is that it is perfectly safe if done by a professional, but is most effective on dark hair and fair skin.

Making it one of the best treatments available for hair removal is that once treatment has been completed, there is almost no need to shave again. Any person who shaves regularly knows that it can be very painful if you cut with a razor and new growth can cause itching and discomfort. There is also the fact that shaving can leave the area feeling dry and can even cause a rash. Also shaving areas as the bikini line can be incredibly difficult, to say nothing of risk, with a knife.

But not only does laser hair removal associated with women, more men are opting for the procedure to permanently remove the chest, back and sometimes even facial hair. With the pressures of modern society, clean-shaven look is sometimes necessary with certain jobs, so the laser treatment to ensure that men can look clean-shaven every day without shaving.

Another technique is electrolysis hair removal because it works by sending electrical currents in the area requiring treatment and burn the hair follicle. This treatment is painful and not recommended for large areas of skin, so opt for laser hair removal is the best option of all.

Need a reference to the hair - since this is the second most common method of hair removal, but no mention at all?

So let's forget about the knife and painful treatments, to say goodbye to stubble rash and ugly and hello to laser hair removal for smooth hair free skin forever!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Silk'n Laser Hair Removal

The laser hair removal characteristics Silk'n HPL - Pulsed Light House - The technology, a unique combination of laser energy and the acoustic effect. The Silk'n is virtually painless and easy to use personal computer, not much bigger than an electric shaver, removing body hair for a very long time. After using a Silk'n that are freed from having to shave, wax, hair cream away from your legs, underarms, English, arms, chest, or any other part of your body.

How does a Silk'n remove hair?

This amazing gadget is easy to use. The way it works is simple:

When placing the flat end gently into the skin, pulses of light are activated.

The light enters the skin and is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) that are mostly found in the hair.

The heat generated off the hair follicles and prevents further growth.

What are the advantages of using a Silk'n?

There are many benefits of using a Silk'n for home laser hair removal. First, you can achieve a significant reduction in hair growth that lasts for 12 months or more. These results are comparable to what you can earn to spend thousands of dollars in aesthetic medicine clinic. A one-time investment in removing laser hair Silk'n only $ 800, making it a less expensive option.

Other advantages are safety, minimal discomfort, and convenience. This product has been rigorously tested and is endorsed by many aesthetic physicians who use it in their own practice. No need to worry about the pain - at most you may feel some warmth and tingling, and there are five power settings to choose. Finally, convenience is a major advantage. You can decide to do Silk'n laser hair removal at any time of day in the comfort of your own home.

Are there any limitations?
The Silk'n be used for most tasks, especially if you have dark hair and white skin. There are some exceptions, you should know about if. The former, in the face is not recommended - it is safer to go to a clinic for facial hair.

Second, at this point in time lasers do not work very well on light hair, it is not enough pigment to absorb light. This means that the results are poor for white, gray and blonde hair - if you're determined, it is possible to obtain satisfactory results with red hair. If you have brown skin or black, it is best to consult a professional - with current technology runs the risk of burning the skin dark.
Silk'n devices are available in many medical

applications of laser technology and home are being investigated and improved all the time. Silk'n laser hair remover, using Pulsed Light House is a recent innovation that can be bought at a cosmetic surgery. If you are new to laser hair removal treatment can be tested before making a purchase.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Preparation Tips For Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a popular trend for those who want to get rid of unwanted hair permanently. There are some steps to take before turning to laser hair removal.

What is the procedure? It is important that before undergoing any procedure, is informed of what to prepare for before, during and after. Talk to your doctor about the standard procedure. Be sure to talk about anything that can go wrong during the operation and while you're improving. As long as you are well informed about what to expect, there should be no surprise after laser hair removal.

Not so before the appointment. If you recently got a tan, in the last weeks before his appointment, let it fade. Any type of tanning can cause problems when undergoing laser surgery. Decreased sun exposure will prevent major complications in the procedure. Will not be long before we can so new and is free of hair when you do!

A few days earlier, remove as much hair as possible. The hair follicle is handled in the procedure of laser hair removal, so that any hair that is above the skin will reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. You should try to do what you can to get rid of all the hair that are capable of, so you will have the best results on the day of the event. There are some ways that give the best of it. Recommended and safe methods are shaving or using depilatory cream soft, but the plucking, waxing and electrolysis is best avoided. You need to ensure that your skin is aggravated on the day of your laser hair removal. You will have a smoother and faster recovery as a result.

prescription drugs should be taken. Your doctor may recommend or even prescribe you some antibiotics before their sessions. This is something you can do to reduce the risk of infection after being treated. You should always talk to your doctor about taking any medication, especially if you're not sure take it. It is recommended to take antibiotics before having their hair removal.

Start thinking about it now. Having done all the physical preparation for your session, you still need to prepare emotionally. Some people do not feel comfortable with the procedure and if it is the first time this may be true. The risks are few and, where appropriate, issues to worry about. For some people, may have the undesirable side effect of causing anxiety. Take it easy. It does not hurt as much as you think will (some say it does not hurt). Once you get the first crash shortly (and weird glasses!) You'll notice that it is a safe and effective method of hair removal.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pros and Cons of Laser Hair Removal

If you have been considering the pros and cons of laser hair removal process, you are interested in what this article has to say. This is especially the case if you have been using other procedures such as waxing, depilatory creams, exfoliation, or electrolysis. It is certainly time to think seriously about the benefits of Laser Hair Removal. 
First, be aware that treatments take a little time. If you want hair removed from a large area such as your chest, back or legs, is probably not possible in a single session.

But also be aware that the process results in laser hair removal. That is a very important consideration, since the actual time spent on the treatments must be weighed against the time spent on the day or days out using other non-permanent methods such as shaving, depilatory creams or waxing. All of them require regular repeat treatments because as soon as you remove the hair begins to grow again almost immediately.

Also note that in comparison with electrolysis - the other relatively popular permanent hair removal treatment - laser hair removal is much faster. Why? Because electrolysis requires hair by hair follicle by follicle treatment. A thin tube is inserted into each follicle which is then zapped with an electric current strong enough to damage the follicle so that it does not regenerate hair.

A similar process is carried out with laser hair removal, but it happens much faster. A gentle, specially designed "laser light source is passed over the treatment area. Light passes through the skin and interacts only with more hair dark. The follicles are heated by the light, and as with electrolysis, which are affected by what is no longer capable of regenerating hair.

This speed factor has a direct impact on cost. When it comes to removing hair from large areas of skin there is really no comparison between laser hair removal and electrolysis. In these cases, electrolysis is a slow and methodical process that will inevitably be extended over several months of expensive treatments. Laser hair removal, however, have far fewer treatments, and therefore will cost much less.

The treatments of smaller patches of unwanted hair and pubic face can be done in less time. In many cases, these treatments can be completed by a specialist within 10 or 15 minutes.

When deciding on the best hair removal process for you the best advice is to consult with a reputable provider can assess your skin and hair type and recommend the best course for action. You may also have a test area is done, especially if your service provider recommends it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why Choose Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is one of the most effective methods of permanent hair removal. Unlike shaving or waxing, which actually destroys the hair follicle and prevents re-growth. This type of hair removal may seem expensive at first but when you consider the savings they are doing to avoid years worth of salon treatments, not to mention the convenience of not having to shave or wax again, it's an investment well worth is worth.

Why choose laser hair removal over other methods?

Shaving is probably the most common method, but you have to do every day if you are going to maintain a uniform appearance. People with sensitive skin are also susceptible to unpleasant shaving rash can be uncomfortable and unsightly. Waxing is another option that can leave hair free for several weeks but is relatively painless and can be expensive, especially if you are done professionally at a salon. The third most popular method of hair removal is using a cream that dissolves the hair shaft and causes it to fall. This is a good choice for removing hair at home but again can be expensive as regular treatments are necessary. The creams contain harsh chemicals that can irritate sensitive skin.

So what exactly is laser hair removal hair?

The process involves using a focused laser aimed at killing each individual hair root, causing permanent hair removal. It is more effective in people with pale skin and dark hair and certain areas of the body may be more resistant to treatment than others. Usually, a course of treatments is necessary to remove hair completely. The process is not pain free, but involves much less pain than methods such as waxing and hair removal.

Most laser hair clinics charge either by the body or fifteen minutes or a half hour session. Usually, you have a technical consultation with the laser hair removal before starting treatment to make them aware of the potential effectiveness of treatment and how much you should expect to pay.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

Laser hair removal has grown in reputation because of its instant effects and long-term. It offers one of the most effective solutions to reduce unwanted body hair, permanently. It is a useful and proven method is the preferred choice of most women because it reduces unnecessary body hair without hurting, for good. Usually after treatment, no or very rare opportunities for new growth of hair. This method of hair removal offers a stress free solution to outdated techniques such as shaving, waxing, hair removal and all the others. It is also a long-term method to remove hair that is also safe and convenient. 

 Experts Suggest skin hair removal laser system 

Laser hair removal is easy and safe treatment that can produce lasting effects on the prevention of hair growth. Experts strongly suggest that skin laser hair reduction system results in getting rid of hair once and for all. This is especially useful for more visible areas of the body as the face, which is slightly more difficult to remove the hair due to high sensitivity. And the point is that it produces no pain.

Durable and long-term results 

During laser treatment the surface of the skin is protected and cooled while the phenomenon of destruction of hair follicles takes place. This process is performed while the hairs are still in growth phase. After a series of treatments, in a few months, the desired results become visible.

The effective and safe treatment

Removing unwanted hair growth via laser is a safe and effective. Side effects of this treatment are almost rare, depending on skin type and method of making. It is the most suitable procedure for those with body hair in large areas like legs, chest or back. These people can use this technique of hair removal.

Suitable for every skin type  

Hair reduction through laser method is effective for all skin types, including dark-skinned people can also make use of this long-term treatment. People with fair skin, but they have darker body hair usually get the best results possible with this method. The most important thing about this treatment is that it must be done carefully, correctly and only by professionals.

Laser hair removal plays an effective role in hair reduction. Obviously, the initiative of the long-term laser hair removal is conceivable that sounds too good to be true. But before deciding to go through it, you should be aware of all the facts about this treatment.